The fresh scent of red roses. This oil has a large amount of essence of these flowers producing a feeling of peace and freshness in our environment. At an energetic level we set the environment to obtain and get closer to love, not only the passionate love of a couple but love in general.
These high quality aromatic oils are manufactured by Sandesh Agarbathi Co. of Bangalore, India. span>SAC Frankincense Fragrance Oil uses natural extracts to give you the purest fragrance throughout your home. span>
This can be used as an alternative to incense sticks, which are used in oil burners to release their real-life scent.
SAC Frankincense Camphor Fragrance Oilcreates a wonderful warm and welcoming atmosphere, scenting your surroundings perfectly for relaxation and general well-being.
A few drops of SAC Frankincense Fragrance Oil can be added to an area to refresh and release the beautiful fragrance, suitcase, shoe rack, closet …
10 ml bottle of SAC Oil fragrance
Try using this product with an oil burner
Keep out of the reach of children span>
NOT to be applied to the skin
Do not use internally or while pregnant span>