In Jaima Alkauzar you can Buy Online Cumin Essential Oil – Food at the best price.
Essence obtained by distilling grains of Carum carvi L. (Umbelifera) by steam stripping.
Internal use properties:
Stimulating, stomachic, aperitif, antispasinodic, carminative, vermifuge. p>
Indications for internal use:
Loss of appetite, nervous dyspepsia, gastric spasms, aerophagia, meteorism (fermentations), cardiovascular erethism (palpitations), intestinal parasites.
How to use
Internal use:3 times a day, 1-3 drops of essence diluted in a teaspoon of honey, dissolved in a glass (1.5-2 dl) of hot water or in a cup of infusion.
NOTE:Cumin is Curninum cyminufn L. but uleum carvi is the essential oil of Carum carvi L.
External use:A few drops of essence on the pillow, 4–5 times a day
in whooping cough and spasmodic cough.