Sultan brand supreme quality green tea, famous in the Arab world for its quality.
Extra grain.
100% natural tea without dirt.
Recommended product.
100 gr package packed in gold foil to preserve its properties to the maximum. strong>
The Asian cultures, which have consumed tea for centuries, according to scientists, are the race with the least weight, cholesterol and heart problems. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the more green tea you consume, the healthier you are and the aging process slows down. The magic ingredient in green tea seems to be anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants, which are found only in fruits, vegetables, coffee, tea, cocoa and wine, fight free radicals in our body. Free radicals are created in our body during digestion. These attack our cells, our DNA and causing aging and health problems. But anti-oxidants fight anti-oxidants before they can harm our body. For this reason, it is why it is so important to eat foods that contain anti-oxidants in our daily diet. All Teas have anti-oxidants, but Green Tea, as it undergoes fewer refining processes, maintains many more antioxidants. Anti-oxidants prevent the oxidation of LDL or bad cholesterol, in the blood packets, which are the ones that obstruct the blood supply of our veins and this leads to heart and brain infarcts.
Quantity: 200 gr