In Jaima Alkauzar you can Buy Online Mint Essential Oil – Food at the best price.
The internal application of peppermint oil is especially indicated in infectious diseases of the liver and gallbladder, also if they are accompanied by spasms, as well as in stones and bile dust. As this aromatic oil reduces acidification of the stomach and accelerates its emptying, it helps against ailments that are caused by excessive heartburn and also against other stomach disorders. Peppermint oil is also applied in aromatherapy for the treatment of painful colic in the region of the stomach and intestinal canal, for stomach ulcers and stomach and intestinal colds and, in addition, if there is weakness of the heart and nerves, palpitations, dizziness and insomnia. As the antispasmodic effect of the aromatic peppermint oil also extends to the lower belly organs, it is very beneficial in the case of painful menstrual periods.