
Natural Henna Tattoo – Sahara Tazarine – Great Quality – 100 gr


Special Henna Sahara Tazarine for tattoo.

High quality natural henna from Morocco.

Availability: In stock

SKU: hennacaja-001 Categories: ,

Healing and magical properties have been attributed to it, in some cultures it is considered sacred.

Henna is a dye made from the plant called Henna, a shrub that grows in North Africa and India. From the leaves and the stem, both dried and crushed, a powder called Henna is produced. It has a cooling effect on the skin, if we apply it on the hair it will reduce the level of fat and make the hair stronger and have more body.

Henna is capable of externally dyeing the hair and even penetrating its fibers, in this way it is the only natural dye capable of dyeing the roots. After applied, the color lasts up to three months.

In addition to being a colorant, Henna is a tonic for the hair, which gives it a healthier appearance, as well as greater texture and shine, this is due to its chemical composition.

Among its uses, it has been recognized for its effectiveness in controlling hair loss, reducing dandruff and giving it more vitality. But mostly it stands out for being a very strong and effective dye to give or enhance a reddish tone.

Before using it, you must bear in mind that this color is very persistent, that is, long-lasting, so it is not recommended if you intend to change color again later, in fact, it is better if you already have reddish hair and you only want to intensify that tone .

When handling it, remember to use guantes, so your hands don’t get tinctured too.


Wash the hair with a normal shampoo, pour Henna powder into a non-metallic container, then add a little water and stir until a uniform paste is obtained and apply.

Depending on the tone you want, you can determine the time for it to act, it should be between 30 to 45 minutes.

Finally, dry in the sun and wash again.

High quality natural henna from Morocco.

Weight 0.15 kg
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