In Jaima Alkauzar you can Buy Online Organic Moringa in Leaves at the best price.
Superfood of National production, moringa is in fashion and it is not too much since it is a food that cannot be missing in a complete and healthy diet, source of minerals, vitamin A and E, beta-carotene and fibers. 60 nutrients and 46 antioxidants.
Moringa is known for its medicinal properties and for the wide variety of therapeutic and nutritional uses that are given to this plant.
The Moringa oleifera strong>It is a tree that has its origin in India. It can grow up to 10 meters high and is very lush. It is currently cultivated in Asia, America, Africa and even in Europe.
Moringa is known and used for being a very complete nutritional level and can be used for a multitude of Natural medicine. Its leaves, fruits, seeds and even roots can be used. Already in the Ayurveda(traditional Indian medicine) it was indicated that moringa was used as natural remedyfor more than 300 diseases.
Nutritional properties of Moringa and benefits of its consumption
- Its leaves are rich in Vitamin C
- Has Vitamin A
- Vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12)
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin K
- Potassium
- Iron
- Calcium
- Phosphorus li>
- Selenium
- Magnesio
- Tryptophan li>
- Zinc
- Asthma
- Has antibiotic effect li>
- Hepatitis
- Epilepsy
- Has anti-inflammatory action li>
- Cancer li>
- Diabetes
- Heart diseases
- Cough
- Hypertension li>
- Arthritis
- Jaundice
- Kidney diseases li>
- Anemia
- Delays aging
- Bronchitis
- Skin diseases
- Tuberculosis
- Eye problems
- Menopause
How to use Moringa strong>
We can use several parts of the Moringa tree: fruits or pods, seeds, leaves, roots and flowers.
The fruits or podsby MoringaThey can be eaten cooked (they are similar to beans). p>
The seedsby MoringaThey are removed from the pod and can be eaten that way or toasted.
The moringa leavesthey can be added to salads or any dish at the end of their preparation.
The Moringa roots strong>they can be ground and made into infusions p>
The moringa flowersThey are also used to add them to salads or warm / cold dishes.