
Small Rose of Jericho – Native East – 100% Natural


Small size: open about 10 cm diameter. The Rose of Jericho (Rosa Hiericontea) is a plant native to the deserts of Arabia and the vicinity of the Red Sea, being also present in Palestine and Egypt.

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SKU: rosajerico-002 Categories: ,

In Jaima Alkauzar you can Buy Online Small Rose of Jericho – Native East – 100% Natural at the best price.

Small size: open about 10 cm diameter. The Rose of Jericho (Rosa Hiericontea) is a plant native to the deserts of Arabia and the vicinity of the Red Sea, being also present in Palestine and Egypt. It does not grow natively in the city of Jericho.

It is a very special plant due to its resistance to drying. Its branches have the property of contracting with dryness, remaining closed and dry for many years, reopening with humidity or contact with water, recovering all their freshness and beauty. Its roots are very small and in a dormant state, when it has gone through a dry period, it acquires a practically spherical shape, formed by its collected leaves, the size of the roots that barely protrude from this spherical formation is negligible. For this reason, it is easy for the wind itself to tear it up, lift it and drag it great distances at its mercy, making them obligatory travelers through steppes and deserts, crossing the borders of various Asian countries and spreading their seeds throughout all of them.

From tRemote times was used as a weather diviner, since being a hygrometer vegetable, the wise man or shaman, correctly predicted the weather forecast. In dry weather the plant remains completely closed; in wet weather, it opens slowly; if rain threatens, it opens very conspicuously and more or less quickly depending on the proximity of cloud discharge.

I knowAccording to tradition, this plant has the great property of transforming negative energies into positive energies. History tells us that formerly the merchants of this city brought them from Arabia as precious talismans to bless their houses and businesses.

Weight 0.1 kg
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