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Sunset in Marrakech – Al-Andalus Teas – from 100gr


Sunset in Marrakech: mixture of green teas with citrus and mint.

100 gr.1000 gr.
SKU: te-atardecermarrakech Categories: , ,

In Jaima Alkauzar you can buy online Sunset in Marrakech the best price.

Sunset in Marrakech:mix of green teas with citrus and mint.

Delight your guests with this exquisite Andalusian mix. They will be impressed.

Green tea It is an excellent protector against some diseases, at the same time that it increases our vitality.
Studies have shown that the consumption of tea can help the body against LDL (bad cholesterol) and prevent problems. Tea is also anti-inflammatory, so it helps the heart to function properly.

Peppermint:The Arabs were the first to see an aphrodisiac power in this herb, as they were convinced that it was used to treat impotence and decreased libido.

From Granada.

In bulk from 100 gr.

Weight 0.15 kg


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