Natural organic soap nuts span>–Themagic of nature–(SapindusMukorossi)
how would you like it? a cleaner100% natural thatgrows wildin the himalayasand it has been usedfor centuries in theIndia,China andNepal.Is evenIn the supermarketsof Europeand it’s cheaper/ span>that the alternativeschemical. span>They comestraight fromIndia.
Just placea few of thesesoap nuts/ span>incredible span>inour bagwashingsmall and span>throw themwithyour washing.They will leave span>his clothesclean and freshfor about6washes, without need tono span>another cleaneror softeners.Around the10cents for span>washed,What to use something else? span>
Nut soap span>is100%:
Pure and natural
economic span>
Noallergenic span>(noa nut,Reallya berry)
Antibacterial,antimicrobial,antifungal span>
It is beneficial forthe systemsgray waterand septic tanks span>
It has not been probadoin animals
Easy to use span>……and most importantly span>,effective
Available in 500 or 1000 gr.
*** Includes cotton bag for your use.