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Washing Nuts – Organic Natural Soap – 500gr


Soap nuts – Nature’s Magic – (Sapindus Mukorossi) How would you like a 100% natural cleanser that grows wild in the Himalayas and has been used for centuries in India, China, and Nepal.

Quantity 500gr

Availability: In stock

SKU: nueceslavado-001 Categories: , ,

Natural organic soap nuts Themagic of nature(SapindusMukorossi)

how would you like it? a cleaner100% natural thatgrows wildin the himalayasand it has been usedfor centuries in theIndia,China andNepal.Is evenIn the supermarketsof Europeand it’s cheaper/ span>that the alternativeschemical. They comestraight fromIndia.

Just placea few of thesesoap nuts/ span>incredible inour bagwashingsmall and throw themwithyour washing.They will leave his clothesclean and freshfor about6washes, without need tono another cleaneror softeners.Around the10cents for washed,What to use something else?

Nut soap is100%:

     Pure and natural
     Noallergenic (noa nut,Reallya berry)
     It is beneficial forthe systemsgray waterand septic tanks
     It has not been probadoin animals

Easy to use ……and most importantly ,effective
Available in 500 or 1000 gr.
*** Includes cotton bag for your use.

Weight 0.6 kg
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