Selenite Spiral – Natural Mineral – Optional Color Base


Polished selenite spiral. Height 10 cm.

with Big Basewith Small BaseWithout Base
SKU: espiralselenita-001 Category:

*** Height 10 cm
Polished selenite spiral.

Very nice touch and appearance.

Fibrous appearance of transparent color with purity complexion.

The base of the photo is sold separately. Available in two models:
Small Simple 7.5 cm: emits colored lights (First Video)
2 –Large 10 cm Swivel: emits colored lights with a very smooth change as it rotates.

It emits blue, red and green LED light that are fused in the selenite creating a very beautiful play of light.

Ideal to create atmosphere or as an emergency light.

Batteries are not included.

YouTube video
YouTube video

Weight 0.3 kg

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