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White Selenite Lamp – Natural – Various Sizes


Selenite lamps, really beautiful. Selenite brings feelings of well-being and optimism.

This lamp will illuminate your home with a soft light, great to place on bedside tables.

Perfect for oriental decoration, Moroccan arabesque.

SKU: lmpselenita-001 Categories: , ,

In Jaima Alkauzar you can Buy Online Natural White Selenite Lamp at the best price.

Selenite lamps, really pretty.

Selenite brings feelings of well-being and optimism. It is relaxing and is recommended for people who suffer from anxiety and anxiety, as it provides tranquility and the ability to solve problems and face new challenges. Fight sadness and melancholy. It is recommended as an amulet in making crucial decisions. It provides the ability to see things clearly, making its wearer a good advisor.

Three sizes:
Size 1 – 16/20 cm
Size 2 – 20/25 cm
Size 3 – +25 cm
Size 4 – 40/45 cm This size includes a wooden base.

Natural beauty and health for all

An object of great beauty for your home. Feng Shui specialists recommend this type of lamp as a harmonizer of the environment. They are made using natural salt crystal rocks formed over millions of years. For this reason each lamp is a unique specimen that varies slightly from the others in its hue and shape. When heated by the effect of the bulb installed inside, it emits negative ions that are beneficial to humans. Ideal for rooms with children, sick people, asthmatics and allergies. Recommended by chromotherapy specialists for its emission of orange light, beneficial to relax tensions and help create a relaxed and pleasant environment.

Selenite lamps are natural ionizers that obstruct the excess of electromagnetic waves emitted by radios, TVs, computers …

Weight 2 kg

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